Hi, I'm Scotty.

I am a content creator who specializes in building systems and automation.

Email Automation

For decades email had been the primary method for businesses to follow up with their leads and customers. To this day, email automation is still one of the most powerful ways for businesses to increase their conversions via drip sequences and broadcasts in addition to automatically following up with their customers after a purchase.

Messenger Automation

Nowadays, there is a large percentage of people who primarily communicate via chat apps. Messenger automation is best suited for brands that are using paid ads on Facebook. Every time someone clicks your ad, Messenger will automatically follow up, and give your prospects exactly what they are looking for!

Instagram Automation

If you can't afford to sit around all day and respond to DM's on Instagram, let automation do it for you. Instagram DM automation will automatically reply to every DM, and guide your followers to the exact information they are looking for.

Telegram Automation

Similar to email, Telegram allows you to create drip sequences, broadcasts and more! Telegram automation offers all the benefits of email with additional dynamic capabilities like Messenger, and Instagram all in ONE!

Main areas of expertise...


You won't last very long in dropshipping if your cost for ads is higher than your profit margin. Automation can help you increase your conversions and become profitable on your ads while building a REAL brand rather than a one off Shopify store that only lasts a few months.

Affiliate Marketing

It takes a significant amount of traffic and clicks to be profitable with affiliate marketing. using automation will get more clicks on your affiliate links in addition to bringing people back if they did not purchase the first time. That is key if you want them using YOUR links.

Brand Building

In todays world, a strong personal brand is not just a nice thing to have. It's the standard. It's the bridge that allows businesses, and customers to know, like, and trust you. Without, you are simply more noise in a crowded marketplace.

I asked a few members in my Telegram group how my automation systems have helped them...